
Becoming a Programmer

There are many kinds of programmers, analyst programmers, system engineer software developers, etc. Programmer, the programmer doesn’t have a title, it is simply a kind of job, but it does not have a real title. We don't have a university that gives you a programmer certification, but you get the title, and it becomes you able to work. A programmer from the high level is a person who oversees stretching code, analyzing it, and with that code solving a problem, or creating a solution of something, can be, for example, computer solutions, medicines solutions. The programmer writes code, and that code becomes in software systems or whatever you want to create. Now we need to write code, but what code? Well, depending on where you wish, if you want to develop yourself in IT, or frontend and backend, etc. But we need how we will write this code, so we have many programming languages, for example, VB.NET, C++, C#, Angular, React, etc. So, if you like to know how to become a programmer, h